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We believe that learning and performing music enhances the lives of our band students and contributes to their personal and academic development. Your help allows us to provide an unparalleled program of music education with performance opportunities – something we’ve been doing with your support since 2011. We are fortunate to work with our regional band directors and private music teachers so we can provide this educational opportunity to student musicians across the Northern Virginia region. A dedicated staff of band directors and instrument instructors provide intense instruction supported by tuition fees; state and county grants; and donations from businesses, foundations, and individuals!
Gifts of any amount help provide meaningful musical opportunities for young band students and help ensure our and their continued success for years to come.
Donate online via the PayPal button below or by check payable to Virginia Winds Academy.
VWA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Please ensure that your name, address, phone number, and email accompany your check or is noted on the memo line.
We respect your privacy. Your information will not be shared or given to anyone. When in PayPal, please check "Share your mailing address..." so VWA can acknowledge your kind gift.
Mail check to:
Virginia Winds Academy, Inc
9129 Scott St.
Springfield, VA 22153
Thank you to our sponsors!
Virginia Winds Academy is funded in part by ArtsFairfax, Virginia Commission for the Arts, and the National Endowment for the Arts.